Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.
The best of
Canadian education
for a global future.

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Sustainability Education Provides Global Connections Through New Program

Sustainability Education Provides Global Connections Through New Program

In the midst of COVID-19, the grave fact remains that our planet is still in dire need of urgent attention and universal change. As global citizens, we all need to…

The Advantage of Being a Part of a Global Education Brand During a Pandemic

Pandemic preparedness was not scheduled into the academic calendar at our Maple Bear schools for the year 2020. The education sector is well-versed on the importance of emergency preparedness as…

Female Leaders Are Key to Fulfilling Maple Bear’s Vision

While education as a profession has always been a field in which female teachers have been successful, even in 2021, there are still significantly more men in administrative and leadership…

The Good News is We Continue to Grow

Even in the midst of a global pandemic and the resulting economic downturn affecting countless companies and countries, there are, gratefully, signals of positive growth. Maple Bear continues to dominate…

Maple Bear Latin America Ranked One of the Best Places to Work

Just as quality education is a key component to student success, organizational culture is a vital characteristic attributed to a successful, favourable workplace. It is an impressive accomplishment that Maple…

Maple Bear Stories of Giving Back in Tough Times

It is no surprise that 2020 has been an extremely challenging year filled with endless uncertainties and concerns impacting the health, safety, education, and livelihoods of our family and friends….

Congratulations to the Very First Maple Bear Graduating Class

At Maple Bear Global Schools we are proud of the many milestones we have achieved over the years.  We are now 15 years in operation in 30 countries with over…