Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.
The best of
Canadian education
for a global future.

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sustainable development goals

UN Sustainable Development Goals Come To Life With Education Program

In alignment with Earth Day 2022, it is the perfect opportunity to announce a unique, digital platform that brings the UN Sustainable Development Goals to life through global student education…

Celebrating Maple Bear Women In STEAM

When women are educated, their countries become strong and prosperous. – First Lady Michelle Obama Our team of expert Canadian educators is the cornerstone of the academic excellence the Maple…

Schools Open In 5 New Countries
Schools Open in 5 New Countries

We know that the global demand for high-quality education is growing more and more as parents achieve the economic means to give their children a head start in life. The proof…

Trade Shows Support Our Expansion Plans
Tradeshows Support Our Expansion Plans

Maple Bear is the fastest-growing global preschool brand in the world. In 2005, we opened our very first school in India. Today, we have over 560 schools in over 30…

Training Our Teachers To Teach Skills For Life

As schools are slowly opening up in various stages around the world, returning to school can  be an exciting time for students and teachers alike. The opportunity to get back to in-person learning and seeing teachers and friends, has been anticipated…

The Maple Bear Global Magazine
Introducing Our First Global Magazine “The Bear”

The Maple Bear Global team is proud of the first-ever global edition of the Maple Bear magazine “The Bear”. The vision of a magazine that could be used throughout the…

Why The Virtual Classroom Is Still Important For Young Learners
Why The Virtual Classroom Is Still Important For Young Learners

Our parents choose Maple Bear because it is based on the best of the Canadian education system, which places a heavy emphasis on Early Childhood education – the education of…