Routines Can Provide Calm in Chaotic Times
There is no doubt we are living in a challenging and unprecedented time. All of a sudden, parenting has become a 24 hour by 7 day job, and for those…
Why The Virtual Classroom Is Still Important For Young Learners
Our parents choose Maple Bear because it is based on the best of the Canadian education system, which places a heavy emphasis on Early Childhood education – the education of…
Training Our Teachers To Teach Skills For Life
As schools are slowly opening up in various stages around the world, returning to school can be an exciting time for students and teachers alike. The opportunity to get back to in-person learning and seeing teachers and friends, has been anticipated…
Motivating Students to Study During COVID: A Q&A Review
Maple Bear Global Schools’ Co-Associate Academic Directors for Maple Bear Brazil, recently held a series of online tutorials with our amazing parents in Brazil to share some academic strategies for…