Meet a dynamic teaching duo from Maple Bear Barra in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Four hundred teachers from across Brazil are currently meeting in Sao Paulo for Maple Bear Brazil’s annual Central Training. This comprehensive training program—which runs until July 28th–is unique to Maple…
A new global blog for our growing global family!
As President of Maple Bear Global Schools, it’s my pleasure to inaugurate our new global blog #maplebear. We plan to use this space to share our news and to showcase…
Playing and Learning With Your Children
Play is good for everyone. At Maple Bear, play is part of our pedagogical foundation and we recommend that play (for children and adults) becomes an essential part of every…
Academic Loss During COVID: A Q&A Review
Maple Bear Global Schools’ Co-Associate Academic Directors for Maple Bear Brazil recently held a series of online tutorials with our amazing parents in Brazil to share some academic strategies for…