Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.
The best of
Canadian education
for a global future.

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Welcome to Maple Bear Korea

Korea is a country steeped in rich history and is shaped by ancient Asian traditions. Its economy has made huge strides in the last 40 years with its embrace of…

The Good News is We Continue to Grow

Even in the midst of a global pandemic and the resulting economic downturn affecting countless companies and countries, there are, gratefully, signals of positive growth. Maple Bear continues to dominate…

How Maple Bear Kyiv Weathered the Storm

When doors first opened at Maple Bear Kyiv a year ago, no one on the team could have imagined that teaching resilience to the 20 young learners between Kindergarten age…

Training Our Teachers To Teach Skills For Life

As schools are slowly opening up in various stages around the world, returning to school can  be an exciting time for students and teachers alike. The opportunity to get back to in-person learning and seeing teachers and friends, has been anticipated…