Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.
The best of
Canadian education
for a global future.

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The Advantage of Being a Part of a Global Education Brand During a Pandemic

Pandemic preparedness was not scheduled into the academic calendar at our Maple Bear schools for the year 2020. The education sector is well-versed on the importance of emergency preparedness as…

Highlights from the 3rd Annual Faculty Symposium in Winnipeg

Maple Bear Global Schools trainers convened at the 3rd Annual Faculty Symposium last June 2017 hosted at the University of Winnipeg. Watch our video to meet the people behind the…

Screen Time During the COVID Crisis

Pre-COVID, screen time and technology use in general were always highly relevant topics among our parents. Now, in the midst of this global pandemic, parents and children are predominantly at…

Meet Maple Bear Trainer Gail Read

At Maple Bear, our Canadian trainers are an incredibly important component as they ensure proper delivery of the Maple Bear curriculum using the Canadian methodology which is child-centered and experiential….