Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.
The best of
Canadian education
for a global future.

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Playing is Learning

All Maple Bear Early Childhood programs emphasize play and play-based learning as critical components of the curriculum. Whether the children are learning language or developing literacy, exploring numeracy or discovering…

A new global blog for our growing global family!

As President of Maple Bear Global Schools, it’s my pleasure to inaugurate our new global blog #maplebear. We plan to use this space to share our news and to showcase…

Maple Bear Gives Back: Community Investment Strategy Launches in Brazil

Giving back, or community investment, is not new to Maple Bear at a local or national level, but for the first time ever, Maple Bear Global Schools is launching an…

Schools Open In 5 New Countries
Schools Open in 5 New Countries

We know that the global demand for high-quality education is growing more and more as parents achieve the economic means to give their children a head start in life. The proof…