Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.
The best of
Canadian education
for a global future.

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What Makes Maple Bear Canadian?

Canada is known for its cold winters, friendly people and hockey. Canada is also widely known as a country that continues to rank highly in Overall Best Countries to live and…

The Good News is We Continue to Grow

Even in the midst of a global pandemic and the resulting economic downturn affecting countless companies and countries, there are, gratefully, signals of positive growth. Maple Bear continues to dominate…

The Advantage of Being a Part of a Global Education Brand During a Pandemic

Pandemic preparedness was not scheduled into the academic calendar at our Maple Bear schools for the year 2020. The education sector is well-versed on the importance of emergency preparedness as…

Routines Can Provide Calm in Chaotic Times

There is no doubt we are living in a challenging and unprecedented time. All of a sudden, parenting has become a 24 hour by 7 day job, and for those…