Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.
The best of
Canadian education
for a global future.

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Global Resources with Local Support: How a New Maple Bear Teacher in the U.S. Made a Successful Transition

When Maple Bear Justin Road in the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas was first preparing to open its doors, teacher Stephanie Chamberlin was also busy with a very important transition…

New Teacher Training Videos Confirm We Have the Best Professional Development for Our Teachers

Recognizing the benefits of having excellent training resources available to Maple Bear schools at all times, Maple Bear Global Schools’ faculty has been diligently working on six foundational videos that…

Why Empathy is an Important Life Skill for Children

Empathy reminds us that we are all human and that we share universal experiences and feelings. There’s an excellent opportunity in these challenging days of the COVID-19 crisis to reinforce…

Maple Bear Chander Nagar, India leads the way with innovative school design

As education systems and the learning landscape are changing to reflect modern values, so too is the design of physical schools spaces shifting. Maple Bear Chander Nagar is at the…