Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.
The best of
Canadian education
for a global future.

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Maple Bear opens school in Texas, USA

The global Maple Bear network, now 17 countries strong, is testament to the fact that the Maple Bear program works around the world no matter the country, the culture or…

sustainable development goals
UN Sustainable Development Goals Come To Life With Education Program

In alignment with Earth Day 2022, it is the perfect opportunity to announce a unique, digital platform that brings the UN Sustainable Development Goals to life through global student education…

Bilingual Immersion FAQ’s

Many parents who send their children to a Maple Bear School intuitively understand the immersion approach that we utilize, but they still have many questions and concerns. Here are some…

Congratulations to the Very First Maple Bear Graduating Class

At Maple Bear Global Schools we are proud of the many milestones we have achieved over the years.  We are now 15 years in operation in 30 countries with over…