Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.
The best of
Canadian education
for a global future.

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The sensational growth of Maple Bear India

Maple Bear India’s rapid growth this past academic year is a smashing success story worth sharing! An amazing 28 new franchises have been signed in the 2015-2016 school year. Notably,…

Trainers Virtual Training
Our Maple Bear Trainers Successfully Pivot to Virtual Training

Pre-pandemic, our Maple Bear Trainers could be found all over the world training the teaching staff at our schools and ensuring that our program is delivered in the way it…

Maple Bear Gives Back in Brazil to Support Cancer Research

Maple Bear’s goal is to enhance a culture of giving back in every country in which we operate in order to create compassionate, socially conscious, local and global citizens who…

Playing and Learning With Your Children

Play is good for everyone. At Maple Bear, play is part of our pedagogical foundation and we recommend that play (for children and adults) becomes an essential part of every…