Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.
The best of
Canadian education
for a global future.

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Schools Open In 5 New Countries
Schools Open in 5 New Countries

We know that the global demand for high-quality education is growing more and more as parents achieve the economic means to give their children a head start in life. The proof…

New Teacher Training Videos Confirm We Have the Best Professional Development for Our Teachers

Recognizing the benefits of having excellent training resources available to Maple Bear schools at all times, Maple Bear Global Schools’ faculty has been diligently working on six foundational videos that…

Reading Is A Family Affair

At the preschool level, reading is the doorway to developing strong reading and writing skills in our children.  Maple Bear believes in the importance of reading both at school and…

Early literacy development is not just about learning to read

Many people mistakenly believe that literacy development in pre-school children is only about teaching them to read through formal instruction. In reality, early literacy development is a continuous process that…