Maple Bear Global Schools Ltd.
The best of
Canadian education
for a global future.

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Training Our Teachers To Teach Skills For Life

As schools are slowly opening up in various stages around the world, returning to school can  be an exciting time for students and teachers alike. The opportunity to get back to in-person learning and seeing teachers and friends, has been anticipated…

Playing and Learning With Your Children

Play is good for everyone. At Maple Bear, play is part of our pedagogical foundation and we recommend that play (for children and adults) becomes an essential part of every…

Supporting English Language Skills at Home

It’s a core belief at Maple Bear that offering high quality bilingual Canadian education provides our students with more than just another language. We know from the research that learning…

Maple Bear Stories of Giving Back in Tough Times

It is no surprise that 2020 has been an extremely challenging year filled with endless uncertainties and concerns impacting the health, safety, education, and livelihoods of our family and friends….